Team Corrupt

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3 Man Tournys

3 Man Tournaments

The team Apocalypse was made of 3 of our Merritt players, that played in the Tantrum Cup.  The tournament was originally supposed to be a newbie only tournament, but eventually changed to a rookie tournament due to the team who registered.  We didn't know this until gameday and that wasn't going to stop us from playing!  We did okay and through all our gun problems we managed to finish 6th out of 9 teams.


When Two Worlds Collide
The 3 man tournament When Two Worlds Collide was another one of the tournaments that two of our team members participated in, along with a third player from Kamloops.  This tournament was a one division newbie/rookie combination, and everyone played ten different games with teams at the same level as them.   Although we were one place short of making the finals it didn't upset us much considering a friend's team the Pittmann Preditors took our place.

We didn't lose the game we just ran out of players.